Rendre l'affichage urbain plus visible et plus attractif semble l'une des priorités de la branche Innovate de JC Decaux. En effet, entre l'affichage théâtral de Nivea ou le participatif pour Disney, l'entreprise offre désormais une gamme améliorée à destination des agences.
La dernière réalisation belge pour Leonidas n'est pas une nouveauté en elle-même (cf. le dispositif Flossie en 2008) mais reste tout de même attractive.

Pâques approchant à grand pas, la marque de chocolats Leonidas a complété sa campagne d'affichage en utilisant les abribus comme distributeur de luxe afin de faire découvrir ses délicieux oeufs à travers les villes belges de Bruxelles, Anvers et Liège.

Ainsi, dans ce haut lieu de la chocolaterie, le public a pu allègrement se servir en confiserie à proximité des arrêts de bus.
Une alternative soft au street marketing, qui pose néanmoins un sérieux problème de ciblage: à part encourager la délinquance sénile comme le montre cette vidéo de l'agence Tayo, l'une des agences ayant conçu ces dispositifs pour Leonidas.
Via Paper-Plane
English Version:
In the current advertising context, billboards and print displays are no longer attractive for people. In order to offer a new visibility to these advertising, JC Decaux has elaborated an innovative offer, presented as JC Decaux Innovate.
As citizens in Paris might see, these new offers have already been installed in Paris, such as a theatrical display for Nivea or a participative one for Disney.
The recent achievement in Belgium, to promote the chocolate brand Leonidas is not a fresh idea (see Flossie in 2008).
As Easter is coming soon, this highly reputed brand has optimised its print campaign by using innovative solutions in bus shelters to make people aware of its delicious easter eggs in three main cities: Brussels, Antwerp and Liege.
Thus, in these last days, people have opportunities to taste as much as they wanted these chocolate eggs near bus stations.
Even though this innovative idea could appear as a soft alternative to street marketing, we can easily highlight a problem in terms of targeting. Indeed, agencies won't know who seems interested in the chocolate, and the lack of human contact between the brand and consumers could reinforce senile delinquency, as shown on Tayo's video, one of the agencies in charge of the project.
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